Wednesday, February 26, 2025


 Oh so cute!

Finished my first Stacy Nash Animal Cracker.

 Won't be my last

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Gaps in Time

I came home from Camp with a three week cold. Cough, congestion, and lack of sleep did a number on me.

But I'm slowly catching up. 

Here's my latest start in honor of Black History month. It's Silver Creek Samplers "Day of Jubilee" honoring Harriet Tubman.

Way back in time I was supposed to portray Harriet Tubman in a special project headed by two seniors in the drama department at the University of New Hampshire. Unfortunately, it was during that time of unrest on college campuses that was the Vietnam War. My mother worked at the University and was sent home that day when someone called in a bomb threat. So she wouldn't let me go that afternoon. All my friends went without me. Someone read my lines. And there went my big stage opportunity.

This is Seraphim's Finnian linen on 28ct.
The Forbidden Fibers overdyed cottons. First time working with them. Two thumbs up. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Camp 2025

Amanda and I got to ring the bell. My Nutcracker from Coco Frank is a WIPGO finish. Stitched everything but the yellow in essentially one day. 
This is an Anne Cram painted canvas that I got at Camp last year from the silent auction. Photo of the back to document progress. Colors match so well on the front, progress is difficult to discern. My other January WIPGO. Goal was 10 hours stitching which I accomplished. 

 Sunset at the beach. Was cold and windy. Threatened to snow. But in the end it all went fine. Loved seeing old friends. Made some new friends. Looking forward to next year! 

Hanging Out at Camp

So yes. It is Camp Wannastitch time and almost 200 awesome stitchers have spent a long weekend in Ocean City.

Been great as always. 

I'm here tonight to illustrate the use of a boo-boo stick.

Here is where I miscounted on stitching the fancy letter G over one and ripped out. 
I have great friends and knew someone would have a boo-boo stick I could borrow. How I missed bringing one I don't know. 

The tool of the hour. 

I was in the middle of this post Sunday night at Camp. Came home, developed a horrible cold so I'm finishing this a week later. So tired of coughing. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

First Finish and More

 Put this one in the done pile on January 3rd.

The Magical Santa from the 90s. He's carrying a wand, a book, and a cute little bunny. It's stitched on gold paper which sometimes reflected too much light making it difficult to find the correct hole. Way shinier in person.

Oh, and I finally organized and documented the Santas. I have 103 to go!!! 

This meant I could get back to my January blessings sampler. I've altered the threads a bit. And with some time tomorrow I may get thru the fifth band. 

I'm further than this photo shows. 

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Happy New Years 2025

I was hoping to finish my Magical Santa in 2024, but I didn’t quite make it. It will be done Friday or Saturday. Got to work tomorrow.

Here’s my first start of 2025. My choice for my blessing sampler. I’ve got 30 days to finish it. It’s a Charland Designs band sampler from the 90s. I love these little samplers. A couple of inches wide, but always some interesting stitches. I already made a mistake and I’ve ripped it out. Sigh.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Merry Stitching

Normally today is a work day. I'm happy to have it off. Now I can enjoy my presents and continue my organization of stitchy things. My daughter made me feel better earlier this week, when she told me that she could find exactly what she was looking for in my studio when I was gone in November. Now if only I could do that myself.

One of my presents was from Cohana. 

On Sunday, I went into my closet with the hanging clothes, purses, sweaters and sweatshirts. Also my beading. I did a lot of bead sorting in 2023 when I was recovering from Covid-19. But this time I created labels and swapped things around. I will no longer be throwing sweaters up high and everything should stay more organized.

Also bought all three Whitney books. What a treasure! There will be hours lost perusing these. Well, not lost. But you know what I mean. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Double Dagnabbit

 I finished my Dr. John ornament and forgot to take a photo. Silly, me.

That could be the last finish of 2024.

Am working on the Magical Santa now while Aunt Martha's bread is rising. Too bad I have to stop and make dinner. Salmon for Christmas Eve. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Dag Nabbit


Can't believe I've forgotten to post here. The usual flurry of activity and I've lost track of time. 

Here's my Dr. John ornament from Jude.

We've had an EGA holiday party, a sampler guild holiday party, some shopping, some stitching, some framing, some presents both to give and to receive.

Meanwhile I need to create my WIPGO board for 2025. I thought I had plenty of time... 

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Seaside Needlepoint

 In which I take the oldest granddaughter to the needlepoint store.

She picked a 13 Ct canvas, Am I The Drama?

The answer is yes. 

Also picked up a sugar cookie ornament and a golden retriever, too.