So if it's January, it must be Camp Wannastitch time. We had our usual grand time stitching, visiting with old and new friends, shopping, and eating, and more stitching.
Right now, I apparently need lots of pie.
Sunrise in Ocean City is beautiful. I miss the ocean in my regular life.
Not my desert. But I did get a taste.
Booze. Because. The real news buried here at the end is that I've been losing vision in one eye. Even had a brain MRI done to rule out a tumor. Fortunately one old school doc came to my rescue. I have what is called an oil drop cataract. Regular cataract surgery should restore my vision. And my mood. Because I'm miserable without stitching.
One Heirloom Santa from Willmaur Crafts Corp. This is the Artic Santa. Yes, I have a huge backlog of these. And I am having eye issues that are keeping me from being more productive. So a finish is a finish even if it took a whole month.
New Year. Time to reset. I've decided to do my version of 20 in '20. I'm aiming for 20 finishes. And I will list the first four now. I don't have complete access to my studio at the moment, but our houseguest departs tomorrow. Thus 4 of my 20 will be: 1) The Artic Santa, a Sandra Cozzolino paper Santa from the early '90s. 2) my Or Nue Bee, the winter version 3) my first Kaliedecycle - I have 8 of 24 triangles done. We have an assembly class at the end of January 4) a Kathy Shenkel mini-sock. It's 50% done at this point. I will not be limiting the acquisition of new projects. I know myself.
Here's a December finish. This is my own design which got named Holiday Frost. It was designed for my ANG Chapter. Happy New Year!