I came home from Camp with a three week cold. Cough, congestion, and lack of sleep did a number on me.
But I'm slowly catching up.
Here's my latest start in honor of Black History month. It's Silver Creek Samplers "Day of Jubilee" honoring Harriet Tubman.
Way back in time I was supposed to portray Harriet Tubman in a special project headed by two seniors in the drama department at the University of New Hampshire. Unfortunately, it was during that time of unrest on college campuses that was the Vietnam War. My mother worked at the University and was sent home that day when someone called in a bomb threat. So she wouldn't let me go that afternoon. All my friends went without me. Someone read my lines. And there went my big stage opportunity.
This is Seraphim's Finnian linen on 28ct.
The Forbidden Fibers overdyed cottons. First time working with them. Two thumbs up.