From last week.
I went to the Stitcher's Stash in Fairfax for the first time. The owner is extremely nice and friendly and helpful. The store is located where the Scarlet Thread was. It's interesting that it seems so much brighter and more open. I think this is the first time that I noticed the very high tin ceiling.
I only purchased 2 things - the Water's Edge "It's 5:00 Somewhere."
Detailed Image ViewI would not have purchased this - looked at the chart and passed it by - but then noticed the store model stitched on black. That got my attention. I hadn't really noticed this designer before and I've gone looking here online - not my preferences. Most designs just too simplistic for me.
Second purchase - Blackbird Designs "Dear Friend." was also a store model that caught my attention. It was stitched on a darker, more cranberry colored fabric (even though the fabric in the photo is R & R's cranberry bog - just seems too light for me. Maybe it's the photo.) My plan is to modify this slightly, adding initials and a wedding date and removing the dear friend.
Next stop was my second trip to the Scarlet Thread in Vienna. Though there were things I was attracted to - here I limited my self to the Heartland House's "Rose Transom Window." plans for this involve changing the colors of the roses. I'm not interested in the historical accuracy of the window so much as simply the design. This would be a fairly quick project and it would go somewhere in our house which is going more and more towards the craftsman style.
Both stores deserve our business. Neither one yet can match the selection of In Stitches or the Stitching Post. But I'm all for more stitching stores.