Wednesday, April 07, 2021

April Ornaments

Got to get my ornaments for the granddaughters finished. First one done, second started.

This year I chose 3 Kathy Shenkel ovals ornaments. I'll brush up the Fuzzy Stuff when it comes back from the finisher. All threads  from my stash except the background. 

As I was working on this, I went to put away some of my more canvas acquisitions and discovered I already owned this owl canvas before I bought it last fall. Oops. That's okay. I still want one for me. 

But that made me take an inventory of my unstitched, unkitted canvases. Yikes. 

I wrote them all down. All organized them by subject - Christmas, Halloween, birds, buildings, travel, etc. And put them back in Art Folio binders. 

Now some of you might be curious as to how many do I own? Let's just say, in my defense, it's less than 300 and the majority of them I didn't pay full price for... 

So I need to stitch 20 or so every year. LOL 

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