Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Color, Color, Everywhere

 That's right. Color makes me happy. But it also causes me torment when I can't find the color I see in my mind. Especially at work. When you pull threads for someone who is about to embark on needlepoint canvas, you wish desperately for more colors than you have. Which is funny when you work in a shop with lots of full lines of thread. It seems like there is always a color that you want that you don't have. 

These days I'm in love with Pepper Pot silks. But they need to make more colors. Specifically I'd like purples. They don't have enough purples. 

Some people are fine with a color that is similar to what is painted on the canvs. But other people want the thread to match the paint perfectly. It's just not going to happen all the time. Those darn people with the paint have a unlimited number of colors to work with. Which we don't have in the thread world. Still it's a fun game to play. I'm learning.

 Huh. Last year this is where I stopped stitching on my Kimono in February. The last weekend in January this year, I added to more areas - 56 stitched, 74 to go. I'm making this piece my major push for this year. Needs to finished in December. I'll try to post an update once a month on this. Nag me if you would like to. Because this needs to get finished.

 Just some pink photos. 'Cause I love pink. Almost as much as purple. I wish I lived closer to this little one. 

And yes, my acquisitions continue to pile up. I've got my hands on a Northern Lights Santa. And I've got most of the threads and plenty of the beads. Now to go study Jane of Chilly Hollow's blog about stitching this piece. I'm going to use her ideas as my starting point and use some of my own. Yes, there aren't enough hours in my days. He's all blue and white and silvery. Pretty much reflects my heritage in old country. You would need a beard and robe like that to keep warm walking around in the deep, dark night.



The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Woo HOO! Have fun-fun-fun! I am certainly enjoying myself and I hope you have a great time as well.

Dresdens said...

Love the Northern Lights Santa. The little one is growing by leaps and bounds. I also agree about thread colors and the lack of purples in the Pepper Pot line. Have a great week.

Anna van Schurman said...

Love the Santa. And the adorable granddaughter. FINISH THE KIMONO. That is all. ;)