Thursday, March 15, 2007

Finished the Inro

over the weekend. Looks lovely. Now I need to do the finishing sometime before March 28th - the next EGA meeting. Still need to ask for permission to post a photo.

I still feel like crap. Oops. Maybe I didn't post here but DD left her spring break cold with me. This makes the 3rd major cold of the past 6 months. Not a happy camper.

Anyone know of any good sites dealing with lucet braiding?

Had our second plumbing disaster of the new year. This time it was under the kitchen sink. But yeah! My engineering hubby fixed it all up good as new. My hero!

And because I wanted to:

I started a new project on Monday. Lynne Nicollet's Poseidon which can be seen here:

I've had this for slightly over a year now and it was calling to me.

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