Our class this month at my EGA meeting was on finishing these tin necklace frames. Here's mine. Just a tiny bit crooked on the bottom there, but part of it is the frame's fault. It's not perfectly straight. For now I've got this on a cheap ball chain from Michael's.
One of the other things us stitchers might be interested in for a quick finish involves a product currently found in the scrapbooking aisle of your local Michael's or AC Moore. It's a pocket watch from Jim Holtz Idea-ology.

You can easily slip small finished pieces into this and wear it around your neck!
Also in the canvas realm of my stitching world I pulled out my Laura Perin piece that makes me want to go back to the central coast of California.
That otter is so very cute!
Great finish and lovely project you have going on :)
I love that otter.
The pocket watch is an excellent idea for a finish. Great for a thread keep! Love the finish
Your finish is so itty bit and awesome ~ I love it! I'll have to give one of those necklace frames a try, they look fun <3
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