Friday, November 23, 2012


I did a manage a few stitches on Wednesday evening. But mostly I was too exhausted. Must have been that Manhattan..

This is where I am at on my Pacific Coast Collage by Laura J. Perin. Right now this project is saving me from total loss of stitching mojo. Not too difficult, not too easy. Just right. Five out of the six boxes are done - except that one corner that I forgot on the waves. I've got more ribbon to do and the shells in the last box and then the border. I'' be sorry when I reach the end of this one because I've enjoyed it tremendously.

Have we all seen enough pictures of food? 


Nicola said...

I haven't seen Pacific before. I love the colour combos that Laura uses.

Shaunterria said...

I love Pacific Coast Collage - those blues are gorgeous. Congratulations on the wonderful progress have made so far :)


Laura said...

You go Girl!! The hardest part of the "Otter Collage" (as I call it) is the water be hind the otter. I did that last. But you've got that done already, so it's smooth sailing the rest of the way... Great job! Enjoy the finish!!!!