Thursday, August 26, 2004

Other People's Blogs

I still have not managed to insert all the links to all the blogs I read in my template. If you don't see yours linked here, forgive me. I've had my template wiped out twice and had to start over from the beginning. Now I'm smart enough to copy my template and save it elsewhere. But I've been incredibly slow at recreating everything.

Not whining or anything, but some of you have fallen woefully behind on blogging. I'm sure this means you're living an exciting life this summer. Anyway I hope it means you're living an exciting life.


Ah. It was our 20th anniversary. We did not exchange presents or anything - our present was our trip to San Diego earlier this month. I did get DH a picture frame for a photo of us on the rocks at La Jolla. And he did write me a note. He's always pretty proud of his ability to express the mushy stuff in writing. And he should be.

We went out for dinner and took the teenagers with us. Because we chose a German restaurant, we started reminscing about our 3 years in Germany (both kids born there), and that carried over to coming home and digging out the slides and the projector. We haven't looked at these in more than 2 years. Lots of laughter and beautiful sights.

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