Friday, January 14, 2005


Finished my grandmother's scrapbook and should have mailed it yesterday.
But I did too much shovelling of heavy wet snow on Wednesday and could hardly move yesterday. Ugh.
Much better this morning.

I spent about an hour yesterday working on the fringe on my peyote stitch choker. It got really interesting when the fringe got longer than the needle. I need to the get camera reconnected to the 'puter so's I can take a pic of this when it's finished.

I can literally sit here and watch the snow melt. We're being pelted by rain, the temp in the high 50s, and everytime I look out the window into the woods, there is less snow. Soon it will all be gone.

I'm off to cook for everyone else. Got a dish to make for a luncheon. And I'm leaving a dinner at my neighbor's house, as they are returning today after a death in their family.

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