Saturday, July 28, 2007

Today Was our EGA Estate Sale

I wasn't participating in today's program so I wasn't as disappointed as some that the teacher was taken ill with her Lyme disease. I really didn't get much stitching accomplished. I guess that means I have slotted right into this group and enjoyed being sociable and talking to everyone.

Meanwhile on the estate sale side - which will be my last stash purchase for several months- here is what I scored: a hardcover book on Scandinavian embroidery, 3 issues of the Cross Stitch Sampler magazine that I missed, a needlepoint canvas of bees that is for a purse (canvas originally purchased in Carmel, Ca- Hey, I've been in that shop!), the directions of the EGA peyote stitch logo, a medieval sampler that's outstanding, and crewel kit for a jewelry case - all this for $8.00!!!!!

Which leads me to exam my timing. How long should a stash diet last? 6 months? 12 months? until I complete a certain number of projects? This most likely ends like a normal diet - with a wild splurge in which I spend way too much money making up for lost time.

Oh. And one more note. I did a job for my LNS. She owes me. So I do have some credit built up that won't count against me.

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