Sunday, November 05, 2006

missed posting yesterday

And I figured that I would. Posting every day in November. That lasted a long time.

Son took SATs for last time. DH and I went into D.C. to participate in the Heart Walk. That was kinda cool. Ate lunch at our favorite deli where the Reuben will probably kill you, but it tastes oh so good. If I didn't have teeth, I could still eat that corned beef, it's that tender. And there's what? 3/4 of a pound on each sandwich? Yum.

then we had a promotion party to attend. Which was fun. Some people drank too much - not me. I was good as I knew I was going to drive home.

Woke up this a.m. with a killer headache and have been avoiding doing anything ever since. Surprised I've lasted this long on the computer. But definitely need to search out more ibuprofen now.

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