Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Behold the bird. Best part of the meal? The gravy. It's taken me years, but I have finally perfected gravy that does not rely on any "outside" help, like Gravy Master, etc. The secret is in making a roux. 
"I can has turkey?" We have a photo of Elvis from Thanksgiving 2003 where I caught him just as he was going to put his nose in the cream on the pumpkin pie. This kitty does love a holiday, though Christmas and birthdays are his favorites. Any time there's wrapping paper.
Was there stitching? Yes there was. Unfortunately this is not photographic evidence of it. This is a needleminder I did a few years ago on the congress cloth which is what I was working on. I didn't know my daughter had taken this pic. 

I did get to stitch on my Echoes of Elizabeth needlecase, but I do not think it will be finished by Wednesday, which was the deadline. My finishing may be a few days off. Or maybe a week. LOL
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What to do when you're stuffed? Roll onto your back and put your legs in the air. This is a nightly after dinner performance at our house. Kitty has no shame.


Sara Leigh said...

That turkey looks delish!

Carol in Indian Springs Village said...

Love the last kitty picture! I can say that I also wanted to do that after eating a big Thanksgiving feast!