Thursday, July 19, 2012

Painful, but Persevering

Do you ever have the eye end of a needle pierce your finger? I do. And on my Challenge project it keeps happening. Who knew an overweight woman could levitate from a seated position straight up into the air. GAH!

I have a package of Thimble-Its so I went and found them and applied one to my right index finger after I pushed the back end of that needle into my finger for about the sixth time in the past two days. Almost always in the exact same spot, too! 

Anyone else ever tried to work with these things? I don't see how they work. Because I can't push the needle with my finger with this thing on it. The needle slides right across the surface. I think I need one of the other products Colonial Needle makes - the ones with the dimpled surface. 

Meanwhile, I continue stitching while trying to be careful about not pushing with my fingertip. It's hard, you know. 

 Just a few days after telling my husband I was concerned that I hadn't seen any butterflies this summer, I find this guy on my neighbor's Sweet Williams. I feel better now that tiger swallowtails are back!


riona said...

That's one lovely photo of the butterfly! My sympathies on the thimble issue.

Anna van Schurman said...

My left long finger has a hole in it right now (rather painful last night) from "helping" the needle through the fabric from the back of the project.

Pam in IL said...

I can't use the thimble-its either. I have found that a small piece of colored plastic electrical tape works the best for me. I've tried everything and usually either end of the needle will ultimately puncture a hole in whatever I use to protect my finger. The plastic electrical tape doesn't do that.