Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Been Browsing

I must say that I am surprised. I was wandering around the 'net looking at canvaswork. And the part that surprises me is how little there actually is. I thought that there must be a lot more that I hadn't seen yet. Guess I should get busy and design my own. Just not today. And not this week.

Busy catching up on all the housework that didn't get done while I was sick. And preparing for the invasion of the college kids. DD is bringing home some friends. I've been making lists of things I need to do. Brain still isn't functioning at its sharpest level. Am wondering if some brain cells died during coughing jags. Maybe they just jumped off a cliff to get away from the noise. Argh. But at least I can now go up and down the stairs in this 3 level townhouse without feeling like I'm gonna die. It would help, though, if I could remember why I am going up and down the stairs. Double argh.

What I really need to do is make on massive shopping list and go to the commissary on Friday. The question is do I do go in the morning or wait and go on my way to pick up DS at school. I can bring a cooler and things will keep fine. Other things to do - clean out fridge and freezer before restocking.

Today's goals: clean DS's room and change sheets. Vacuum stairs. Look at Consumer Reports on vacuums. Maybe go buy a new one. Get rid of small tables on freecycles that we used to use as speaker stands. Pay homeowner's association fees. Make something good for dinner. (Last night we went to the Tortilla Factory for enchiladas.) Continue with laundry. Buy 2 new pillows. Admire clean bathrooms. Play with stash while organizing. Stain wooden projects that I sanded yesterday. There. I think that's enough. Phew.


Anna van Schurman said...

If you get all that done today, I'm really doing something wrong!

Coni said...

Damn, girl...I was all ready to do some cleaning here at my own house today, but I need a nap after reading this!

Donna said...

Let's see. How am I doing? Got a bit bogged down, but leaving for shopping now. Dinner is pork chops, pasta, and spinach in some combination. DS's room is clean, but I need to remake the bed after the this load of laundry is finished.