Monday, May 02, 2011


I haven't died. Or succumbed to allergies. Just been busy. Hardly been at home. 

My husband works an alternate work schedule and has every other Friday off. Last Friday we went to the National Arboretum in D.C. to do the azalea walk while blossoms were pretty much at their peak. Color everywhere. 

Not just many shades of pinks and purples and corals, but red and yellows and oranges, too.

Every now and then you find a busy creature, but not as many as I would have supposed. Was a perfect slightly overcast day which is great when it comes to photography.

This one was a favorite of mine. It's so brilliant, it glows.

 After finishing my obligation stitching last week, I did not go back to my canvas work. (Yeah. That means I didn't get back to Stars before the end of April. Oh well.) 

Instead I picked up my German sampler from Guildhouse. And my R. Le Tellier from Queenstown. It felt good to put in a few days sampler stitching. Photos tomorrow?

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

WAH!!! I want one of Pam's samplers to stitch.