Thursday, June 03, 2010

I Promise. No Pizza.

Fortified by the great success I had with this round of my mystery samplers exchange, I've been perusing all those unfinished canvas projects I have stacked up. I can hear them calling me. 

But I didn't feel like dragging my stand to Thursday stitching group, so I brought my Quaker, my Sailing Away box, and a Mill Hill bead kit. 

I was going to start right in on the beading, but I decided I need to get that wrinkle out of the linen first. 

Next I moved onto Sailing Away and I've finished the top of the box. Now need to stitch the inside. 

Didn't feel like stitching the inside, so out came my Love and Live Happy Quaker piece. I've only managed to complete the word "and" - and it's just hanging there by itself. But I knew my counting abilities for over one are compromised when stitching around these ladies, so I moved on. And started the box that will contain my name and eventually started my name. 

I was just jumping all over the place, finding it difficult to land and concentrate. 

I guess it's those darn canvas pieces lined up in the stitching closet calling my name. 

And just for fun and because I sometimes have no will power, I have ordered Carlene Harwick's "Royal Wind" through the ANG. 

But wait. That's not all.

I also ordered myself a copy of the Goodhart Samplers book. Good reference book and all that. 

And I kept my promise.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Duh. I meant to say that I ordered Royal Wind and it came in the mail today! Lovely!