Enough with the weather. Let's return to our regular programming - my UFO confessions.
I believe we all know what this is:
Of course, I have a half-finished version of Celtic Christmas among my UFOs.
When I finished my Newburyport Sampler in July 1998, I started CC. Let's see - I think I changed the fabric to 32ct or maybe it's 29ct Glenshee. I have a spot on the side where I stitched doodle with regular Mill Hill beads and the Petite beads. I chose the Petite size. Stitched with the called for DMC. And I used Marilyn's suggestion of using Petite Treasure Braid instead of the called for DMC metallic.
Why is this unfinished? I mean, she's gorgeous. You would think that would be incentive enough? I am so bad.
There is a mistake in my counting. I started with her head. And her hair and that border above her are not as graphed. Oh yeah - head and hands were stitched over one.
She's lovely. I really, really should finish her and free up those large scroll rods.
She is gorgeous. Not for me, but very pretty.
Free the scroll rods! Free the scroll rods!
Can you hear your public chanting???--
What do we want?
Free Scroll Rods!
When do we want them?
:) she really is lovely
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