Wednesday, September 27, 2006

transporting large pieces of plywood

All I can say about this is, Home Depot and Lowe's both offer a cutting service. I had them cut my headboard piece into a piece 36" by 60." I took the remaining pieces to make support legs and DS is eyeing the rest to create a triangular table. Plywood can be heavier than it looks, too.

I know some of my settings are wonky or incomplete. I will try to address this soon.

I read way more blogs than appear on my site.

Off to EGA meeting where we are doing an embroidery piece this month in the style of Helen Stevens.

1 comment:

Anna van Schurman said...

Oh, they'll cut stuff so it will fit in your car, but what do you do when the 50-gallon wheeled garbage can doesn't fit in the trunk of your Honda Civic?