Wednesday, July 28, 2010

If It Hadn't Been for My Horse...

I have finally cracked my color/texture problem of Clark Gable on Stars. I did have to resort to DMC floss. Which I am fine with, btw. So instead of Pebbly Perle and Grandeur I have Trebizond and DMC. Mostly it was getting lighter color in those corners. Too dark and the emphasis changes entirely for that square. 

And those triangles would be done and I would be looking at Clark in my rear view mirror except I've had company. 

I did accomplish one organizing feat before company arrived on Monday, in which I put away all my DMC floss and went through and made a list of what I am missing. I have to do this about once or twice a year depending on how much stitching I'm doing with DMC. I'm a DMC in floss away bags on rings person  with all them tossed into an Elfa bin along with my color card and notes about floss changes in the past twenty years. Good thing they don't change things often, that's all I can say about that. 

This week I will finish Clark and move onto more sashing and inner border squares. My stitching group is having a pool party tomorrow. I don't plan on bringing anything serious. Who knows if we'll actually get anything stitched. LOL

Something to look forward to:  Spool Magazine. 

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I'm thinking a small needlepoint piece.