Monday, May 23, 2011

Home Again

Oh, boy, do I have tons of stuff to do! Including a mountain of laundry. 

I hardly had the energy to stitch at all while on vacation. Did make a tiny bit of progress on my Pischke Pocket and my O Canada sampler. 

I've got lots to document, but no real time to do it right away so things will show up here in bits and pieces over the next week. 

Let's just say, the weather was less than cooperative even for New England in the spring. Eventually it was all anyone seemed to want to talk about. How rainy, how unsunny, how blah. 

We left here on Friday the 13th, my mother's birthday! And instead of driving straight to our "house" on Cape Cod, we drove home to New Hampshire to attend our friend's wake. I got visit with my sister. And we both sadly and happily saw some people at the funeral home that we haven't seen in a while. Then we went to dinner at a new Mexican place where the food was good and so were the margaritas. 

Bright and early the next morning we drove off in the fog to Cape Cod where our temporary home awaited us. We were offered use of a friend's house and I think they are amazingly generous. I did stitch a thank you pillow - Sampler Girl's "A little sea bathing would set me up forever" and I completely forgot to take a photo of it. Also left them some wine and a gift certificate to one of their favorite restaurants. 

Our first stop for food was the British Beer Co. pub where I had a wonderful London Porter with my leek and chicken pastie. Totally happy, but two beers almost did me in. 

 We headed to the Cape Canal visitors center run by the US Army Corps of Engineers who control the canal mostly because I knew we could find some local guidebooks there. These photos are not the ocean - these are of Cape Cod Bay. Luckily we see some sunshine here.
  We putter around and don't venture too far that first day. We go back to our house where we meet our cat for the week, Oscar. He has snowshoe sized double paws on the front and he wanders the neighborhood not belonging to any one family. In retrospect, I'm lucky not have gotten poison ivy from petting Oscar as it exists in abundance here. 

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