At my house, we are not big on Valentine's Day. It falls right between my birthday and my son's birthday. In fact, I would have been born on Valentine's Day, but it was a Sunday that year and the doctor didn't schedule C-sections for weekends. Thus my mom picked Lincoln's birthday instead and I'm happy to share a day with him. And Charles Darwin. And Bill Russell. And Dom DiMaggio. And, oh, Judy Blume.
We're more of a let's celebrate love all-year-round kind of household. This reminds me of my problem with Mother's Day and Father's Day. Yeah, it's nice to have one special day, but how about trying harder all the time to appreciate the people you love? Priorities, people.
I continue my stitching in public one-woman-band. Yesterday it was at the Toyota dealership. I got in a solid 1 1/2 hours on my Amy Mitten piece. People looked at me, but no one sat close enough to talk to me. In fact, I thought it was funny that everyone else (about 12 people at any given time) were thoroughly mesmerized by the television. Instead of the usual morning news program, the television was on the National Geographic channel. And the show changed from one about an African village to a show about big cats. These people were ignoring their smartphones and laptops! WTG, NatGEO!
edit (link to url not working for me this morning - sorry):
I came here this morning with every intention of sharing a few links. Totally forgot. Now I'm back to rectify my error.
To honor the day, go look at Jody Williamson-Valentine's website.
She's got lots of lovely designs for needlepoint and well-written blog you can follow.
Or maybe counted work is more your style? Lots of designs including hardanger at Cindy Valentine's website.
Happy Valentines Day Donna
NatGeo is addictive. If I start watching Alaska state troopers, the day is finished.
And a happy Valentine's to you as well. God bless National Geographic.
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