Tuesday, January 27, 2004


It's times like this that make me think I'll unplug AOL altogether. I mean, you can go for months, bopping along just fine, then wham. And here you sit unable to connect to the web, but fortunately able to read your mail. Unable to follow any links anywhere, but can still read my message boards. Nice guy (in India of course) thought he'd helped me. But I guess I'll be calling back. Think I'll finish my coffee and take a shower first.

Research on coffee pots led us to a Cuisinart model. We were just going to replace the Braun, but couldn't find the model we wanted. It was funny how suddenly our lives revolved around coffee. I was using the French press that we take camping. DH was making espresso. We also bought a new electric kettle by Melita. Whiz bang. That thing boils water fast!!!

For fun and edification, we went into NYC on Sunday and experienced the James Rosenquist exhibit at the Guggenheim. I love that building. And the Rosenquist stuff. Ah, pop art at its finest. How absolutely lovely.

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