Thursday, April 01, 2004

Another Poll

1. When did you first start stitching?

I first started with embroidery and stamped cross stitched as a child of the 60's. Did crewel work on my clothes... But really got hooked on cross stitching in the 80's while an Army wife in Germany.

2. How long have you been stitching?

Ummm. I've been seriously stitching and stashing for 18 years now.

3. Did someone teach you or did you teach yourself?

Mostly self taught. Grandmother taught me to thread a needle.

4. Describe your first project (if you can remember!).

Stamped piece -probably from Woolworth's - a rooster toaster cover

5. When did you first realise that stitching was for you?

While trying to stitch in class in High School. Teacher demanded that I stop, fellow students stood up for me. Always been a multitasker.

That was fun!
Ahh. Woolworth's. How I loved that store. Especially if my Gram took me there. She'd let me wander all over, then meet me in the pet section. Then buy me an ice cream.

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