Monday, August 06, 2007

frogging on current project

My current project - or the most current - is an old Ginger and Spice chart - Arts and Crafts designs. Unfortunately if you go looking for it, you cannot really see the picture of the design I'm working on because it is the butterflies on the box and tray and the photo shows them at a terrible angle.

I never would have picked this leaflet up if I hadn't seen this piece stitched at the PictureThisPlus booth at Celebrations of Needlework back in May. As it was, I had to ask what this design was. Of course, I could not be content with DMC, so I changed things out to Crescent Colours. But apparently had a brain cramp the day I picked colors. I've decided to frog two colors and replace them. It's all blues and violets and purples with a tiny bit of green and yellowy golds. I started frogging last night, but still have a ways to go. But I definitely made the right decision.

Now the truly odd thing about this piece is that I'm doing it on 18ct Aida. To those of you who choose to be snobby about the linen, evenweave things, just stop right now. I had this perfectly good piece of Aida that someone gave me as part of a gift. And I started this project right before I got my Daylight lamp. That meant I could see the holes at night. What's amazing is how darn fast I can stitch on Aida. I wouldn't recommend doing this all the time, but for an occasional change of pace, try it. You might be surprised.

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