Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Still Time Traveling

(Um? Blogger? What happened to all my choices this morning? I've got a basic toolbar and can only see options for bold, italics, strikeout, link, and quote?)

As a reward last Thursday for all our hard work and travel, my daughter and I stopped at The World in Stitches in Littleton, MA. My GPS was a little bit off, but we found it.

I have never been in this shop before, but it advertises itself as the largest needlework store in Massachusetts.

I will agree that it has a lot of floor space and walls. But it's in a sad state of disarray. There is both yarn and needlework and it's on the second floor and there is an elevator, if I remember correctly.

We were greeted when we entered by the very nice lady working there. She asked us if she could help us - points for that. We said we were just going to wander. And there's plenty of room for wandering.

What there isn't - organization, cleanliness, and new stuff.

Seriously, it looks like a shop where people just don't care anymore. I've been in stores that looked like this in other states and within six months, those stores have closed. I wanted to start dusting and organizing.

I'm sure there are some lovely people out there connected with this place. I wish I could write nicer things about it.

That said - I did buy one Leon Conrad blackwork chart and a handpainted canvas of Fenway Park with the two recent World Series flags flying above it. I've already put this away for next March when I'll be giddy with anticipation over a new baseball season!


Anonymous said...

Did blogger say HTLM or Compose at the top? HTLM only gives you minimal tools. Hit the other tab.

Susan in Massachusetts said...

Apparently you know very little about the World in Stitches. It is not dusty and in disarray. It has been in business for almost 3 decades. You probably walked in on a day when they were unpacking after going to a needlework trade show and had not completed putting everything away. Yes, needlework shops do go to trade shows esdpecially The World in Stitches. Also they go to estate sales and buy needlework merchandise to sell on eBay. If you had signed up for their newsletter by email, you would find out about the trunk shows they have where the "new stuff" is on display from floor to ceiling on the walls and not in disarray. You would also find out about the classes in knitting, cross stitch and needlepoint. Also every last Friday of the month, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. there is a group of women to meet to stitch and talk and have coffee and dessert and generally have a fun. All are welcome to attend. It is not limited to just a few. If you are looking for something in particular, The World in Stitches is very helpful. They can order it for you. They are friendly and the shop is a comfortable place to shop. Not at all like the place you describe. Next time you are looking for a particular place, try MapQuest. It is much more accurate than a GPS system.
Susan in Massachusetts

Cindy in MA said...

I agree with Susan. I have been going to The World in Stitches for over 20 years & I have never found it to be dirty or disorganized. This shop is full of wonderful cross stitch, needlepoint & knitting. If you can't find what you are looking for Randi will contact other stores in area to see if they have it & if that fails she will order it for you. She has even found stuff for us on ebay.There are always new classes & if someone sees something that they would like to learn Randi will organize a class. We also do a 12 hour Stitchin every other month.
Cindy in MA