On Monday, Anna at the
Stitch Bitch, posted this meme which I finally managed to get around to today.
What's in my stitching bag? Keep in mind that all of this is in a normal sized canvas tote that my daughter bought me in Talkeetna, Alaska.
First - contents of entire bag. Now let's break it down.

My Pomegranates and Peas purse kit with my black bag that has my surface stitching supplies. Needles, thimble, emery, scsissors, screwdriver for the hoops.

Notebook with all kinds of stitchy info in it. E-mail addresses and websites that acquire while away from home. Supplies I need to find. Things I want to remember to look for/at. Etc. Bag of cough drops. Stitch n Zip kit that is my travel project. I don't remember how this left my purse for my stitching bag, but it did. And a jar of M & M's with a top done in punchneedle. Not my punchneedle. Not my candy, either. But as am the least likely to eat the chocolate, I've been carrying the jar of M & M's back and forth to my Thursday morning stitching group.

Contents of my little, clear bag from the Mid-Hudson EGA: 2 pair of tweezers, my favorite dololly, sewing gauge, needle threader, many packages of needles of assorted sizes, thread heaven, magnets, scissors (one pair for cutting waste away knots, one pair for metallic threads, two regular pair that usually end up with projects), hemostat clamp, thread dampener, nail care implements. Lots of stuff in a little bag. I'm lost when I forget to take this with me.

Pop-up ort box. Blue page up holder for chart, kumihimo - making cording at the moment.

My Quaker diamond sampler from Pamela Darney. This is the start of this project and I won't be showing it in public until the end of January. Linen in Vintage Sand Dune, threads are Belle Soie.

Contents of one plastic project container: two Carriage House samplers - The Dainty Wren started on Ink Spot linen and the Gingham Dog and Calico Cat.

Contents of second plastic project container: GPA's Tyrolean stocking and second one whose name escapes me. Saying is in French. I like it.

'Kay. I think that's enough.
Do I usually have so much in my bag? Frequently, yes. I like options. What can I say?